Peter Peng will not be the same: Faja Din-Din will play a black actress for the first time


The Disney Studio prepares the game adaptation of his next classic cartoon, which will be "Peter Peng and Wendy". The creators are already working on a set of cast, and now it became known that Fight Din-Din will fulfill the black actress and the model of Yar Shahidi - such information shares the authoritative edition of Deadline.

Peter Peng will not be the same: Faja Din-Din will play a black actress for the first time 102023_1

As you can see, Disney continues the tendency, in line with which the roles of traditionally white characters go to representatives of other races. Note that this is no longer the first such Disney solution: Earlier, the studio decided to give the African American Holly Bailey a major role in the upcoming remake of the "Little Mermaid", which should be released next year.

As for Shahidi, she became famous for participating in the series "Black Comedy" and his branch "matured". In addition to these projects, on its account role in films such as "I, Alex Cross" and the "Sun, too, a star." In Peter Pen and Wendy, Shahidy will play together with Alexander Moloni (Peter Peng), Milla Yovovich Ever Anderson (Wendy) daughter and Jude Lowe (Captain Hook). The director of the painting will be David Lowri ("Pete and his Dragon"). The release date is not yet announced.

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