Matt Rivz shared the details of the shooting "Batman": "Film film


Like all other Hollywood projects, shooting "Batman" with Robert Pattinson were interrupted because of the coronavirus pandemic. Director of Matt Rivz is now in London, waiting for work to be resumed. The Edition of Deadline contacted Rivz and asked him about how his new film was being produced:

Right now editorial work is officially suspended. To date, we have filmed a quarter of the film, so recently I spend watching the available doubles and planning what we will do next.

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The production of "Batman" was stopped on March 14 - shortly before the film crew should move from London to Liverpool. To the question of whether it is not possible to change plans due to coronavirus and look for alternative locations for filming outside the UK, Rivz replied:

So far, talking about it too early. I can not imagine that we do not finish work in London, although the situation is very volatile.

Matt Rivz shared the details of the shooting

RIVZ also admitted that he did not intend to make any significant edits into the existing scenario of Batman, over which he, together with his partners, worked as many as two years. Nevertheless, the general tone of the film will be refined directly in the course of the creative process. According to the director, the upcoming film will be a detective story in the style of Noir - plunging in the subsidiary of Gotham, a dark knight to solve a confusing criminal conspiracy.

The premiere of "Batman" is scheduled for June 2021.

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