Kevin Faigi won marvel fans after large-scale transmier shifts


Marvel Studios President Kevin Faigi on his page on Twitter made a repost of a sign of the sign of the "Avengers: Final", adding an encouraging message addressed to all marvel fans. The final part of the "Saga Infinity" was published about a year ago, becoming a global event and wrapping the status of the Cash Film itself in history. During the first posts, the atmosphere in cinemas was electrified, and the audience emotionally reacted hardly to each action on the screen. It is the particle of this fan delight captured on the video that the files repograph.

Just distracted for a minute from your affairs and listen, as during the premiere of "Avengers: the final" the audience reacted to the stage in which Captain America wakes up the hammer of the Torah in a fight with Tanos,

- says the signature to the video, which laid out Scott Gastin.

Trying to support everyone who is forced to stay at home in connection with the coronavirus pandemic, the files added to this:

Excellent reminder of what we did together almost a year ago. A great reminder that one day we repeat it, again gathering together.

Recall that Marvel Studios, as well as many other Hollywood film studios, was forced to postpone the release of many of their upcoming projects. Thus, the first film of the fourth phase "Black Widow" was initially to be released on May 1, but the date of the premiere was shifted in November of this year. Similarly, the premieres of six more planned pictures in the framework of the film marvel were transferred.

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