Directors of the film "Bad Guys Forever" will be engaged in solo "Miss Marvel"


The director's duet - Moroccan Adil El Arbi and Bilal Fallla - successfully revived the "bad guys" franchise, having released the film "Bad Guys Forever." The film earned more than $ 425 million this year. Since the coronavirus pandemic closed the cinemas for several months, this result is the highest in 2020. In addition, the duet signed an agreement with NetFlix for the formulation of the film "Policeman from Beverly Hills 4".

Directors of the film

At the moment, according to The Hollywood Reporter, El Arbie and Fall are appointed by the director of the "Miss Marvel" series. The heroine of the series - Kamala Khan, the first Muslim superheroine, whose name is put in the name of the comic. One of its unique abilities is the ability to transform your body.

Directors of the film

Earlier, the head of Marvel Studio Kevin Faigi said that Kamala Khan could be not only the heroine of the series, but will appear in the upcoming full-length films. At the moment, the studio is looking for an actress on this role, which will be able to reveal the personality of Miss Marvel, Pakistani American who grew up in a religious family in New Jersey and trying to find his way in life.

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