Neil degrads Tyson explained for what "scientific" cause loves the film Marvel


The famous Astrophysician scientist, the popularizer of science and hero of the memes of the Nile degrads Tyson on his page on Twitter published a curious post in which he explained what he impressed superheroes from the film marvel. Tyson always actively reacts to all sorts of representatives of science in popular culture, and now the turn has reached the Avengers. In this regard, Tyson wrote:

Since I am a scientist, the Universe of Avengers causes me a sympathy for at least for the reason that many of these superheroes began their way as scientists or they received their supernatural abilities due to genuinely fictional (and not fantastically magical) scientific concepts.

Interestingly, Tyson no longer expresses such an opinion. Earlier this year, in a conversation with a comicbook correspondent, he stated that, according to his criteria, DC comics were far behind Marvel:

I have no doubt about this. Everything is obvious here. Marvel wins the competition from DC without much effort, because in Marvel comics almost all the heroes - with the exception of the Torah and, perhaps, another one or two characters, with whom I am not familiar - they received our superpowers through contact with something scientific. Spiderman, Hulk ... each of them has a kind of scientific backgrund. It is very fertile soil for such stories. In addition, Bruce Benner - Dr. Biochemistry. It has its value.

It's funny that at one time Tyson joined not to marvel, but to DC. In the film "Batman against Superman", the scientist played himself when Superman wanted to use Heiden's planetarium in order to see the destruction of Krypton. The fact is that in reality Tyson is the director of this planetarium.

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