Star "Anatomy Passion" Ellen Pompeo told about the care of Patrick Dempsey and their fees


Thanks to the new contract, Ellen Pompeo has now turned into the highest paid actress in the category of television dramatic TV series - for each episode of the "Anatomy of Passion" it receives $ 575,000, or a little more than $ 20 million a year. And Mallen agreed to increase the fee just after the departure of Dempsey:

"For me, Patrick's departure in 2015 was the determining point in terms of negotiations on the contract. Producers could always use it as a "lever" against me - "We don't need you, we also have Patrick," what they did. I do not know if they came with Patrick in the same way, we never discussed our contracts. Several times I tried to negotiate with him to unite efforts, but it was never interested. Once I decided to ask for my fee to be 5,000 dollars more than Patricks - because this is the "anatomy of passion", and I am Meredith Gray. But no one went to it. And I could go at any time, so why didn't I do it? This is my series, I am number one. I felt the same thing that many other actresses feel: why should I give up a great role because of some kind of peasant? I will not allow some kind of peasant to survive me from my own home. "

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