Media: "Black Widow" will be transferred to a later date


After it was officially announced the transfer of the premiere of "Miracle Women: 1984" from October to December, sources close to the Warner Studio leadership., Report that there is currently a discussion that do with the premieres of the film "Black Widow" and Cartoon Studio Pixar "Soul". The reason for the change of dates is the prime minister is the global rental of the film Christopher Nolan "Argument". Because of the effects of a pandemic, the film collects less money at rolling than it was planned. Therefore, firstly, the studio does not want to risk the collection of other films, and secondly, it does not want to create competitors "argument" in the struggle for spectators.


It is assumed that the "black widow" will be postponed from November the next year. It is not known how this will affect other films of the filmmoven Marvel. At least a "black widow" and is a prequel, but Kevin Faigi and his team have a whole concept, in what order and with which intervals the pictures should come out between them. Therefore, the current transfer can affect the dates of the Premier of Films "Eternal", "Shan-Chi and Legend of Ten Rings" and "Thor: Love and Thunder."

About the "soul" insiders argue that the studio plans to cancel hire in cinemas and start showing immediately on the Disney + service. It is not yet known whether in this case will be required from the audience to be required for viewing new products. Now the "Mulan" will be viewed by Disney + subscribers in an additional $ 30.

If information about these two transfers is officially confirmed, the next blockbuster in the cinemas will be the movie of the MGM Studio "Not the time to die" about James Bond. At the moment, the premiere of the tape is scheduled for November 20.

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