Quentin Tarantino could remove the "Luca Cage" with Lawrence Fishbern: "I was dissuaded"


Still long before the release of the first blockbusters about the people of X, a man-spider, and even more so before the launch of the film marvel Marvel Quentin Tarantino was thinking about to take on the screening of comics. Taking part in the podcast of Emi Sumer 3 Girls, 1 Keith, the famous director admitted that he had long been a big fan of superhero comic and even in the first half of the 1990s thought about to make a film about Luke Kejjon, inviting the role of Lawrence Fishbard to this role :

In adolescence, I loved collecting comics very much. My loved ones were "Luke Cage: Hero by hiring", "Luke Cage: Silacha" and "Shan-Chi: Master Kung Fu." Rent a film about Luca Cage I was dissuaded by my friends who were also obsessed with comics.

Quentin Tarantino could remove the

I believed that Larry Fishburn was the ideal candidate for the main role, but my friends said: "Hell Snipes should play it." And I'm on this: "Listen, I like Wesley Snipes, but Larry Fishburn is almost Marlon Brando. The right person is Fish. " But I was convinced: "Yes, but he will have to rush greatly, and snipes already in the right form!" Then I went out of myself: "To hell, it's all! It does not matter! To hell with you, you all spoiled! ".

Quentin Tarantino could remove the

Interestingly, later Snipes played one of MARVEL's iconic characters, becoming the chief star of Blade's trilogy. As for Tarantino, his next film after "furious pieces" was "criminal fiction", which brought the director world glory and recognition. Later, however, Tarantino still implemented his interest in the genre of Blackspotyish, removing the heartfelt criminal drama "Jackie Brown", and later - Western "Dzhango liberated." Comics about Luke Kayje in the end were fused in 2016-2018, when Netflix came out the eponymous series with Michael Colter in the lead role.

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