The director "Dunes" told, with what a harsh villain will face the hero of Timothy Shalam


In a recent interview with Entertainment Weekly, Denis Villenev directed by what the chief villain is in his film. According to him, Baron Vladimir Harkonnen, whose role Stellan Skarsgard, will differ in many points from the same character in David Lynch's film (played Kenneth Macmillan) and mini-serials (played Ian McNis). The director of the new "Dune" decided to make the character more seriously and causar:

I would not want the Baron to be a joke or caricature. I wanted the Baron to be a leader, a strategist, causing those surrounding certain feelings for him. And most importantly - so that he possessed a deep mind.

Also Vilnev hinted that his baron would be comparable to the degree of influence on his people with the main hero of Paul Atreydess performed by Timothy Shalam. The soldiers of the Army of Harconnene gladly fulfill any order of the commander and are ready to even die in the glory of his leader.

The director

In the ribbon, in addition to Stellana Skarsgard and Timothy Shalam, starred Jason Momoa, Oscar Isaac, Rebecca Ferguson, Josh Broolin, Javier Bardem, Charlotte Rampling, Zendai, Sharon Duncan-Brewster and Dave Batista.

The premiere of the film "Dune" is scheduled for December 17.

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