Samuel L Jackson and Leonardo Dicaprio are no longer the main Matters of Hollywood


Quarantine has already brought a lot of amazing discoveries, and it seems not the limit. In the conditions when the usual saturated life was limited to the outside of the house, everyone entertained as they can. Here is Buzzbingo, for example, conducted a whole study to find out who from the actors of Hollywood fade on the screen more often than the rest.

Previously, everyone thought that more cripples than Samuel L. Jackson, pronounce nobody, but it turned out that the leadership positions of the "criminal hevival" star had already passed the actors. Buzzbingo analyzed three and a half thousand kinoshenarians, having considered all the obscene brands used in them, and in the end, Jackson got only third place. If you believe estimates, its characters in the aggregate said 301 curses.

In the second place of the rating, Leonardo Dicaprio with 361 rudeness was, and John Hill became the absolute leader - he managed to screw in the dialogs of 376 dirty words. By the way, the same actor turned out to be a champion in the number of mat per each thousand words - its average was 22.9 curses, while Leo - only 10.7. In this rating, "Silver" took Adam Sandler with an indicator of 12.3.

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As for the films, the third place got the "casino" of Martin Scorsese (606 curses), the second - thriller "unreacted jewels" (646 crosses), and the winner was recognized as the Wolf with Wall Street (715 crosses).

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Yes, the study, of course, turned out to be dubious, but while the world fights the coronavirus pandemic, and the premieres of the most long-awaited films are transferred one after one, any entertainment is good.

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