"The devil is always here" with Tom Cholland divided critics in opinions


The promising drama "The Devil is always here" with Tom Holland in the main role will be released on Netflix on September 16, but critics got access to the film a little earlier, so on the Rotten Tomatoes Aggregator, Antonio Campos has already acquired a rating. At the moment, the Devil is always here has 70% of freshness based on 33 reviews. Experts agree that the film turned out to be unusually gloomy and harsh. The Hollands game many are assessed highly, but in a wider context of the opinion about the quality of the film turned out to be mixed.

Entertainment WEEKLY. (B + score):

The main feat of Campos is that it turned out to be forces to build the devilish mature and voluminous history, the protrusion of a cunning face between the atmosphere of art house and the South-Gothic soapy opera. At the same time, the film somehow remains on the merciless side of the fascinating.

Bloody DiSgusting. (4/5 rating):

It is ruthless and combined with blood history, performed anxiety and inexorable fear, whereas it is implemented by all this with the forces of an impressive cast. The fact that when viewing the time flies imperceptibly and at the end of viewing the viewer wants more, most eloquently talks about this dark and largely depressed thriller.

Times UK. (2/5 rating):

Although it is thematically linked: God + America = massive psychosis), as a result, alas, we got tasteless, boring and out of doubt a superficial film.

Indiewire. (Evaluation C-):

Cruel, but a soulless meditation about the religious faith, brought to sorrowful extremes. The "Devil is always here" rushes towards his obviously terrifying final, but by the time when the decisive fracture happens, it remains only to thank God that it all ended.

THE HOLLYWOOD REPORTER (Positive assessment):

Although structurally, the film does not always achieve the maximum effect, the gloomy picture in the course of action is increasingly exciting, and the fucking good acting justifies itself on all one hundred.

Total Film. (3/5 rating):

Despite the exciting atmosphere and several memorable individual scenes, the film was not very successful at the level of disclosure of characters.

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