A student from the "incredible Hulk" became a teacher of a man-spider: as fans looked at the "return home"


Since the coronavirus pandemic led to the closure of cinemas, and people are now forced to live in self-insulation mode, the ComicBook portal decided to run joint online films, which everyone can join. As part of the promotion called QUARANTINE Watch Party, the film "Spiderman: Return home" took place last Wednesday. The act of Tony Realori became a special guest of this event, which played in this picture of Flash Thompson. Judging by the numerous responses to Twitter, the fans such a format of communication fell to taste.

A student from the

Hiram: Tony "hugs" Peter in the "return home": "We are not in place." Tony hugs Pita in the Finals:

Rachel: "I don't know what kind of work is." We, too, weeks. We, too.

Rhiminee: For the current generation of the phrase "Why did I tell him about Churro?" - This is the equivalent of "I carried the watermelon."

Eliza: Peter says Tete Mei that he needed a new backpack.

Rachel Leishman: When Quarantine finally ends, I want someone to shook my hand just like Ned and Peter.

Aniq: I did not believe my eyes when I learned that this student from the "incredible Hulk" became Mr. Harrington.

Jules | Allie Lovebot: I will not carry a loss of another student during school excursion. It can not happen ...

Max Nason: Andrew Garfield is violently abstract.

MJ: Emp's always in the mood. ALWAYS.

Previously, in the framework of Quarantine Watch Party, there were views of such films as "First Avenger: confrontation", "Thor: Ragnaret", "Dr. Strøndzh", "Agrus", "Birds" and "Shazam!". The order of each session is: at the appointed time, all participants include at home the selected film, after which they leave their comments, observations and jokes in Instagram and Twitter with the #quarantineWatchparty hat.

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