Netflix defends the film "Cuties", accused of sexualization of children


In August, Netflix service was criticized for the film poster of the film "Cuties", on which children were depicted in provocative sexual poses. The company apologized for "improper design" and stated that the poster is not representative for the film. However, the picture itself also after the poster criticism. Despite the fact that she received a TV-MA rating (for adults only), American parent organizations acted for the prohibition of the show. Journalist of the New Yorker Weeklist Richard Broodya believes that the service himself had a bearish service to be misleading by marketing:

"Cuties" - the film is not about hard. It is about the fact that children, especially children from poor and non-leisure families, are deprived of resources: education, emotional support, family discussions and fall under the influence of sexual media and pop culture. The channel was worth it to promote the film to make an emphasis on the fact that this is the story of the Bunth-teenage girl against patriarchal orders in the family.

Netflix defends the film

Conservative public group Parental television control is outraged not only by advertising Netflix and the fact that in the film teenagers dance erotic dancing, but also contained in it scenes. In one main character, photographs its genitals and places snapshots on the Internet, to another - trying to seduce his adult cousin. The group stands for the ban of tapes.

Netflix defends the film

NetFlix disagree with such an assessment. A service representative in Interview with Variety said:

"Cuties" is a statement against the sexualization of children. This is award-winning film and a bright story about the pressure, with whom teenage girls face social networks and in society as a whole. We call on all who are worried about these important questions, watch the movie.

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