Officially: the film "After" will be the third and fourth part


By the output of the film "After. Chapter 2 "Performers of the main roles of Josephine Langford and Hiro Fayns-Tiffin recorded the appeal to the audience, which was posted on social networks. Among other things, in the video of Josephine says:

We finally tell you that the third and fourth films are officially launched into production.

The film "After", the premiere of which took place in 2019, was removed according to the novel of Anna Todd. In 2013, the waitress from Texas set itself a goal to publish on the Internet on the head of his book per day. Her first Roman scored a half million readings in electronic form, and after the release of the paper book, it was excavated in the amount of 15 million copies. The magazine Cosmopolitan called the writer "the biggest literary phenomenon of his generation." The "after" cycle consists of "after" novels, "after a quarrel", "after falling", "after - long and happily" and novel-covered "before".

Officially: the film

The film "After" is told about the diligent student Tessa Yang and Buntar from the rich family Hardine Scott. After a random meeting, they understand that they cannot live without each other. But together to be representatives of different layers of society with different views on life very difficult. The film "After. Chapter 2 "is an empty of the second novel of the book cycle. Another fan appears at the main heroine. Will he be able to turn the idyll in love with a couple in a love triangle?

Premiere "after. Chapter 2 "will take place on October 23.

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