Director "Shazama!" answered whether the shooting of Sicvel will begin this year


Director "Shazama!" David Sandberg told in an interview with ComicBook, as the coronavirus pandemic was influenced to work on Sixel and when shooting the second part of the film will begin.

Let's see how long this story will last. While we are planning to start shooting this year. But who knows how everything turns? After all, now postpone the production of many films. I continue to work on the script. We still have a chance to do everything on time. But let's wait a couple of months and see what will happen then.

While we have a job that can be done remotely. We prompt meetings in Zoom. I have never heard about this application before, and now I am constantly using it. Nothing strange, ordinary workflow, only we are at home more than usual.


The film "Shazam!" Released in 2019 and at a budget at $ 100 million gathered 365 million in the box office. The output of the second part is scheduled for March 31, 2022. However, it can be transferred not only because of the problems with creating a film. David Sandberg says "Shazam 2" and "Black Adam" will not interfere with each other in the box office. But this means that if the Date of the Shown of "Black Adam" is shown, scheduled for December 2021, then the date of another film from the film DC will be transferred automatically after it.

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