Hearing: Marvel wants to see Tom Hardy in the fourth "spider man"


All disagreements between Disney and Sony regarding the future spider person were settled in the fall last years, but the fans still remained a lot of questions. And one of them predictably concerned the moment when Peter Parker (Tom Holland) and Vienna (Tom Hardy) will be heroes of the same film.

Hearing: Marvel wants to see Tom Hardy in the fourth

It has long been clear that such a crossover is inevitable, and the rates were made that rather a spiderman would be a guest in Solnik Eddie Broca than the opposite. But on the eve of information from Marvel Insiders, who claim that the studio very much hopes that Hardy will appear in the fourth paw film.

Hearing: Marvel wants to see Tom Hardy in the fourth

Of course, so far it is only a hearing, although coming from a proven source, but I want to believe that it will be true. Of course, Kameo Votoma in "Spider Man", it actually happens to be very small, besides, it complicates the fact that the history of the Hardy character has nothing to do with Peter. As a result, their meeting will hardly be filled with personal emotions, and yet see such an intersection of characters would be great.

In any case, even a small cameo will give a hint of something more, and perhaps fans in the future will have to see a full-fledged crossover. In the meantime, all their attention is focused on the news about the "Spider Man 3", which should go on screens in 2021.

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