Ridley Scott promised that "someone else's 5" will not look like "Prometheus" and "Testament"


Directed by Ridley Scott, giving an interview with Forbes about the screens of the HBO Max series "brought up by wolves", told about the situation with the franchise "Alien". Despite the weak results of Prometheus films and "Alien: Testament", work on "Face 5" is underway, while the project is under the development of history. And this is one of the most difficult parts of the film creation:

As a visualist, I say that writing on paper is the most difficult task. This analysis is self-criticism. This is a little similar to the work of the writer. Great writers usually great editors themselves. If you are at least a little good in creativity, then create it to become apparent. If you have a blank sheet of paper and you are going to start a script, a novel or an article, but do not know how to do it, then the best solution is to stop suffering and start working. The result can always be thrown away.

Ridley Scott promised that

About the new project director says:

The process is coming. With "Promethem" and "Testament" we tried to reinstall the wheel. It is unlikely that we will return to this again, because "Prometheus" awakened everything we need. But we ask ourselves global questions, for example: "Is it really someone else's, liding and bruising, exhausted? Do we need to rethink all this damn to continue the franchise? " These are always the main questions.

Ridley Scott promised that

In June, Ridley Scott said that the franchise needs a re-evolution and that he was very interested in the question, from where there was a cargo with eggs on that ship.

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