In "Shazam!" did not notice Kameo stars "Buffy - Vampire Slayer"


While the output of most superhero films is postponed due to global quarantine, fans have fun, revising the masterpieces of past years. And, as it turned out, not to see again to see their previous works and directors. For example, David Sandberg arranged himself on the eve of Kosterans "Shazam!", And then shared some kind of curious fact.

It turned out that the episode of the tape, in which the heroes are near the strip club, hid by anyone who was not observed Kameo stars "Buffy - Vampire Slayer" - Seta Green. As the director told in his Twitter, in one day the actor visited the film crew and he was invited to play a tiny role.


Green was truly difficult to notice, because he just takes place in the background in the company of other statists. This cameo did not have any particular purpose, and yet it is funny that the director aroused the audience such a test for attentiveness.


By the way, in self-insulation Sandberg not only having fun, but also works on the scenario of the second "Shazam!". He admitted that, although it fears the collapse of his plans due to Coronavirus, still decided not to stop and spend time with benefit, communicating with the team through the messengers and bringing to the mind the plot of the coming sequel.

And Zakari Lay in one of last year's interview mentioned that the continuation of the adventures of Shazam will be associated with his new family, which also acquired superhero abilities, so the audience is clearly waiting for teamwork. According to preliminary data, the film should go on the screens on April 1, 2022, but still, of course, may change.

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