From the "Avengers: Final" removed the joint scene of the witch witch and Dr. Strange


Even a year after the release of the Avengers: the final, the details did not go into the film. Photographer Chuck Zlood on his site posted in the "Portfolio" section of the photos that he made on the film's set. Among them turned out to be a frame showing the joint stage of Dr. Strange and the witch scarlet. At the idea, Wanda Maximoff came to the aid of Dr. Strange, when he tried to keep the flow of water. In the final version of the film Strøndzh coped with the problem one.

From the

In the second film about Dr. Strange, the characters will act together. It is reported that the series "Vandavid" will be a certain prologue to the events of "Dr. Strange: in Multivesened Madness". Paul Bettani, actor Vizhen's role, says:

I am a big fan of Kevin Faigi, he took on a big risk with the concept of this series. It is perfectly written, and the authors are a bunch of nuts pins. I mean, what they did, indescribable. From this series, fans will receive an understanding of what is happening. Much, much more understanding.

The series "Vandavid" will consist of six episodes. His show is scheduled for December 2020 on the Disney + platform.

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