In the posttitrome scene "Captain Marvel 2" may present a fantastic four


Marvel Studios is famous for its posttitir scenes, which are not recommended to skip one fan, because it is often a truly grandiose in them. Of course, sometimes these frames are purely entertainment, but judging by the last rumors, quickly leave the cinema after watching "Captain Marvel 2" the audience is not recommended.

In the posttitrome scene

According to insiders, the sequel adventure of the character of Bree-Larson will provide a lining to the new long-awaited franchise and will show how the "fantastic four" appears in the film. It has long been known that the first in the history of the Marvel team of superheroes in the next few years will receive their own film, and now the plans for him are acquired by increasingly distinct outlines.

In the posttitrome scene

According to rumors, the scene in which the characters of the "fantastic four will be presented to the audience, already invented. It is assumed that the plot of "Captain Marvel 2" partially unfold in the quantum dimension, where heroes will be detected. Moreover, the fans waiting not just a vague hint of a meeting with them, as was the case with Carol Danvers. The audience will see them with their own eyes, which means that the actors for the role of these heroes will soon be chosen.

And, by the way, everything indicates that John Krasinsky and Emily Blante can play Rida Richards (Mr. Fantastic) and Sue Storm (invisible female). There is no official confirmation yet, but it would be great to see spouses in this image.

In the posttitrome scene

The film "Captain Marvel 2" should go to the screens in 2022, so that fans will still have to be patient. But insiders will not be dreamed, so hope to find out the names of the actors of the "fantastic four" in advance still there.

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