"Remember", "Prestige", "Start": Nolan explained why he prefers to call his films in one word


Christopher Nolan has long won the status of one of the most original and successful directors of modernity. On his account, the mass of successful blockbusters, which differ unexpected plot rotations - is exactly what the public is like that. At the same time, it can be noted that often Nolan projects have the most laconic names, consisting of one word: "persecution", "remember", "insomnia", "prestige", "beginning", "InterSellar", "Dunkirk" and now " Argument". Becoming the guest of Podcast Reelblend director told why he chose this approach:

"As for me, in the names there is always something ambiguous, so they cannot be selected too consciously. The title is designed to express something about the film. In the case of large-scale paintings, this is in a sense to create a new brand. I always like to be expressed as simple as possible. For example, when I wrote a script to the "persecution", the project was originally called The Following, but in the end we got rid of the. I think of this, my interest arose to make the names are extremely short and meaningful. However, ultimately everything comes down to instinct. These are attempts to create something exciting than I would like to share with the world. "

The new picture of Nolana "Argument" finally went to hire on September 3, but even more trailers it was clear that the title here carries a conceptual load. As you can see, "argument" is a word that is equally read in both directions, whereas the fundamental plot element of the film is to reverse action.

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