Kylo Ren and Anakin: A fair ending "Skywalker appeared in the network. Sunrise"


User Reddit under Nick Zilliongamer published a funny video that is a fan version of the final frames from the movie "Star Wars: Skywalker. Sunrise". In reality, Ray in the last scene sees the ghosts of the Luke and Lei forces, but in an alternative version, the ghosts of Enakin and Kaylo Rena were added to them, which only adds to this moment of emotionality.

Alternative Ending From R / Starwars

"Skywalker. The sunrise "became the last episode in the grandiose" saga about Skywokes ", which began in 1977 with the release of" Star Wars: New Hope. " Although it is believed that the starting point in the whole story is Luke Skywalker, inside the franchise itself this role belongs not to him, but his father Anakin. Being a big idealist, he became a powerful Jedi, but later his ambitions, fears and arrogance made him adept of the dark side of power. Shortly before death, he, however, repented of his sins. The grandson of Anakina Kaylo Ren did a very similar path, abandoning the dark side in the name of rescue Ray.

Kylo Ren and Anakin: A fair ending

From the creators of "Star Wars", show in the end of the ghosts of Luke and Lei were a great step, but many fans seemed that Anakin and Kaylo also deserve to be among the invisible patrons of Rey. These two heroes are interesting exactly to their ambiguity and inner struggle, but in the end their good motives still outweigh, which allows them to fully redeem their guilt.

Kylo Ren and Anakin: A fair ending

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