On the set of "Black Swan", the director specifically quarreled Natalie Portman and Mil Cunis


According to the director, it is thanks to such a go to rivalry Heroin Natalie and Mila looked more really and naturally on the screen. "He constantly praised Mil, told what she was talented and that she was much better than me playing a role. He could so straight and say: "She is much better actress than you, Natalie. He found us in the ears, which made us compete and in real life. He sought it, and he succeeds, "he admitted Natalie.

In addition to the psychological stress, the actresses had to face with exercise: for the role of Nina - Prima-Ballerina, which loses the mind, - from Portman after a fifteen-year break required again to put on pointes. In addition to the exhausting 15-hour working graphics, the actress had yet to work daily for many hours of movements from the machine.

Recall that the plot of the paintings is built around the rejo. Ballet Theater, which unexpectedly there is a dangerous competitor, able to take away all the parties from the main heroine. Rivalry is enhanced as the responsible speech approaches, which should solve everything. For the role of Nina in the Black Swan, Natalie Portman received Oscar.

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