"Could not look without tears": 6-year-old daughter Navka and Peskov got on skates


The figure skater Tatiana Navka boasts the successes of the younger daughter in figure skating. The young athlete successfully rolled his program than not only the famous mother, but also fans.

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Выкладываю долгожданное видео, как и обещала. ? Так сказать: "Путь будущей чемпионки... Начало!" ??? Хотя, мы предполагалаем, а жизнь располагает. Хотелось бы, чтобы Надя нашла свой собственный путь и была счастлива, а на льду, в спорте или нет, не так уж и важно! ? PS: Честно вам скажу, я не могла на это смотреть без слез??? #ТатьянаНавка #НадеждаПескова #яблокоотяблони #матьидочь #фигурноекатание #спорт #детки #характер #мотивация

Публикация от Tatiana Navka (@tatiana_navka)

45-year-old Navka shared with fans of joy from the speech of the daughter of Nadi. The younger heirs went on skates early and makes noticeable success, even participates in competitions. Tatiana showed a video shot while performing Nadi.

"So to say:" The path of the future champion ... Beginning! " Although, we assume, and life has. I would like Nadya to find my own path and was happy, and on ice, in sports or not, not so important! Honestly, I tell you, I could not look at it without tears, "said Tatyana's touched by a roller, published on her page in Instagram.

The fans died how diligently Nadia makes jumping, rotation and turns on ice. Many agreed with the Navrov that these first steps towards a good career in sports. "Bravo, Nadyushka! Future pride of Russia "," What is well done "," the teaching, like mom "," Little asterisk, miracle just "," Nadya - Well done! To be her Olympic champion, "Follovier shared emotions.

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