"Harry Potter" returns: Studio Warner Bros will remove the ninth movie


Last week in United Kingdom Studio Warner Bros. The official trademark of Harry Potter and The Cursed Child was registered, which gives the studio exclusive right to shoot movies and the release of toys on their motives.

While Harry Potter and The Cursed Child ("Harry Potter and Damned Child") - this is not yet released a play, the premiere of which will be held on the theater stage of London at the end of July (at the same time the same book will be released, which is a "printed" version of the scenario). Joan Rowling a few months ago categorically stated that there would be no film on the play - but it seems, Warner Bros. He considers otherwise.

Action in Harry Potter and Cursed Dity "unfolds many years after the events of the original series of books and films on them. While the play, to the creation of which, of course, put the hand of Joan Rowling herself, not even because he returns the audience to the world of wizards, and the fact that the black actress was found on the role of adult Hermione. We hope Warner Bros. This epic step will not repeat - if still decides to release a new, ninth film about Harry Potter, and some miracle will convince him to return to the continuation of the original acting.

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