Nothing learns: Rita Ora apologized again for the flight on a private plane in a pandemic


Fans of Rita Olya are unhappy with her behavior during a pandemic. Recently it turned out that at the end of November the singer flew to Cairo, Egypt, where he made a private event. After returning to Britain, she had to selfish for 14 days, but instead arranged a party on the occasion of his birthday.

The singer had to be explained. "I and my team followed the protocol and upon arrival in Egypt provided the results of tests for the CAID, which were negative. Returning to Britain, I had to follow the local rules and wait for the period of self-insulation. As you already know, I broke the rules. I once again bring my sincere apologies, "Rita appealed to the public.

Earlier it was only known that the ORA arranged a party in honor of the birthday. She gathered a company of 30 people in the restaurant Casa Cruz, who had not had to let visitors. Among the guests at her celebration were other celebrities. However, the police quickly dispersed the party, and the indignant users turned the Rita claims, so she had to apologize.

"It was a spontaneous decision taken with an erroneous idea that we are out of isolation and everything will be fine ... I am very sorry that I violated the rule and has expressed people at risk. This is a serious and unforgivable mistake, "the Ora said for the first time.

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