"Husband and wife should sleep together": Borodina told how to avoid divorce


Ksenia Borodina led in his Instagram blog striking statistics - 14% of women are not sleeping in the same bed with their husbands. The reasons, of course, each different, but TV presenter is confident that such behavior is inevitably leads to the divorce.

Women admitted to Borodina, which is mainly sleeping with children. Alone so it happened that after the birth of the child it was more convenient to put it nearby, feed through sleep. Others pokak children's desires, leaving them in the parent bed and at 4, and even 8 years.

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"I personally believe that children from childhood should have a personal space and respect for the parent territory. Because everyone needs periodic solitude. This is normal, "the TV presenter is sure.

In the example of Ksenia Borodin led his own family. She, together with her husband Kurban Omarov, raises two daughters: 11-year-old Marius and 5-year-old theton. Every girl from early childhood had its own room. In the parent bed, girls allowed only as an exception. The celebrity is convinced that in other cases the relationship between a man and a woman is simply lost.

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"As a result - scandals, divorces. Yes, and in children a model is built in which they feel the most important in the family, the authority of parents is lost. This is my logic, "says Borodin.

Completing reflections, Ksenia turned to subscribers: "What do you think you think to sleep with your husband together, in separate bedrooms or with children?".

The answers of Follovier turned out to be very different: "With her husband, of course ... children will fly out of the nest", "These are the remnants of the past: to sleep under one blanket, be sure to wear wedding rings, etc. These are not indicators of family well-being. Checked "," It is necessary to sleep, as convenient ... Psychologists believe that the joint dream of her husband and wife does not affect their relations among themselves. "

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