All because of the difference in age? Star "Escape from Showshn" divorces his wife


Artist of the leading role in the cult film "Escape from Showshank" 62-year-old Tim Robbins divorces his beloved Brankuzya. According to the publication Page Six, the actor has already filed documents for divorce. It is noteworthy that no one knew about the wedding of Tim and Grastalee.

All because of the difference in age? Star

Relations between Robbis and Brankuzy, which is the younger than 33 years old, began in 2018. And although the couple officially did not declare their novel, they were often seen together in stellar events. It is known that the former chief of Tim spent time in the company of his adult children from the last marriage - 31-year-old Jack and 28-year-old Miles. Gratiele has repeatedly seen with the actor and his sons together, including at a hockey match in December 2019.

A little bit known about Brankuzi: she comes from Romania, graduated from the University of Bucharest and is now working as director of marketing in the theater company The Actors' Gang. She met Robbins in 2016 while working on a common project.

All because of the difference in age? Star

Before the novel with Gratielo Robbins, for more than 20 years, consisted of relations with Susan Sarandon. Their relationship began in the late 80s during filming in the film "Darham Bull". The pair did not learn the relationship and broke up in 2009.

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