Initially, John Favro did not plan to turn on Skywalker's hatch in the second season "Mandalortz"


One of the most brightest moments of the series "Mandalorets" was the unexpected Kameo of the Young Luke Skywalker (Mark Hamill) in the second season final, but this storyline was never a pre-planned idea - the idea with the advent of the legendary Jedi formed as the script was developed. About this in an interview for the website of the US scenario guild told Showranner and the producer of the Star Wars of Multi-Springs "Star Wars" John Favro:

"The story itself has developed in the process of writing. Mandalorets inherited a lot from the existing mythology of "Star Wars", so when I work on the script, always rely on it. Gradually became obvious that due to the built-in connection, some plot turns would certainly occur. "

Due to the fact that the action of the series unfolds between the events of the original trilogy and the new, in the history of the saga there is a lot of unknown, which the Favro and his team are significantly unleashed in creative terms. No special pressure of cinematographer was experiencing, but at the same time he tried to treat the installed canon with proper reversion:

"Because of the time interval between the films, we were granted great freedom. With Dave Filoni [Writer / Producer] constantly discuss how our creative decisions can affect the already existing material on "Star Wars".

Now Favro, together with Dave Phyloni and Robert Rodriguez, work on Spin-off "Fetta Beans", which will be released on the platform of the Disney + service at the end of this year, and the third season of the Mandalorta season will begin.

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