Jared Leto lost a statuette of the Oscar award three years ago


American Rock Musician and Actor Jared Summer the other day admitted that she had long lost the statue of Oscar, which he received for the best male role of the second plan in 2014. The 49-year-old artist took part in the evening show James Corden, in one of whose episodes told: "I learned that she disappeared about three years. And I did not guessed. " Jared suggested that it could happen during the next move. Searches for the statuette after the disappearance did the whole family, but they turned out to be vain. The actor admitted that he really hopes that his award is now in "Reliable Hands", and the new owner will take care of her.

From that night of 2014, when the artist received Oscar, he loved to share a statuette with others, and when she disappeared, expressed the hope that this symbol now brings joy to someone else. "I remember that night when I got her, I gave to hold her so many people. I have not seen her midnight. People had fun to photograph her, "said Jared.

Summer is far from the only celebrity that has lost the "Oscar". However, the film academy is in no hurry to give it to the owners of replacement. One of these examples is the actress Hatty McDaniel, which in 1940 received a reward for the best female role of the second plan in the film "Gone by the Wind". As reported in Variety, the actress showed his statuette to the University of Howard, from where she disappeared in 1960. There is an assumption that "Oscar" just stolen. The film academy refused to give a duplicate.

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