"Died from hunger": Billy Alish about radical attempts to lose weight in 12 years


Billy Isilish more than once commented on his choice and talked about the insecurity and the painful desire of girls to please the standards of society. Last fall, despite Billy attempts to hide their figure, photographs made by paparazzi appeared on the network, on which the singer was captured in the tight top. Many users, who first saw Alish in ordinary clothes that do not hide her lush forms criticized the young star. In a recent interview with Vanity Fair, Billy shared his thoughts about this situation.

"It seems to me that people around were excited about more than me. Because I once cut myself because of the relationship to my own body. Honestly, the only reason I started to wear baggy clothes is my body, "began Billy. The singer noted that for the most part, all this remained in the past and now it feels much better than in adolescence.

"I am very, very glad that I went through it. Because if this [photo] happened three years ago, when I was in a terrible relationship with my body, or five years ago, I would just stop there. I would die with hunger, "Ilyish shared. Then she told how at the age of 12 tried to lose weight with the help of "miraculous" tablets.

"I remember drank a pill, which, as I was told, would help me lose weight. But it only "helped" to be described in bed. Just go crazy. I can not believe that I did it. I thought I had one problem with the rejection of my body. And it turns out that the whole Internet hates my body. Fine, "said the singer interview.

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Previously, Billy told about his own experience with guys who became another reason why the singer chose baggy clothes. "My former guys never let me feel desirable. None of them. I never felt physically desirable and attractive, this is a big point in my life. Therefore, I dress as you dress. I do not want to think about that someone will evaluate my body, my sizes. But this does not mean that one day I will not solve wear a shirt, "the star shared.

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