Jennifer Lopez remembered that Matthew McConaha said before their kiss


This year, the film "Wedding Trouble" celebrates its 20th anniversary. In honor of the anniversary, the main roles of Jennifer Lopez and Matthew McConaja met at Instagram Live, pleased with the fans with pleasant memories from the set.

Matthew admitted that he could not believe that since many years had passed since participation in the film. He laughed that, perhaps, not very good in mathematics, since it seems to him that he stood in front of the camera literally yesterday.

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Lopez, in turn, remembered one of the most romantic frames of the film. She told that she was preceded by the time when the main characters are confessed in their feelings to each other and kiss.

"Do you remember that scene where I was going to kiss me? I remember how you told me: "Miss Lopez, I'm a kiss you now." And then I thought: "Well, let's do it. Let's kiss". It's clear that I remember, "said Jay Lo, after which he walked around with a wake-up laughter with McConakhi.

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The actors noted that it is now very hard to meet as high quality and beautiful plot for a romantic comedy. Both admitted that modern films lack lightness.

Recall, the "wedding stir" tells the story of Mary Fiore, working with a wedding ceremonium. Once she meets with Steve Edison, who should soon marry her rich client. And, of course, the interlacing of destination leads to the fact that love wins any obstacles. The film was released at the end of January 2001 and at the very first weekend gathered more than $ 13 million.

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