"We must think about what you say": Rudkovskaya arranged a scandal at a party Buzova


The other day, Olga Buzova noted his 35th anniversary of the lush party in the capital Banquet Hall of the Orion Hall. Among the guests were the brothers of the Safronov, Lolita Milyavskaya, Svetita Glory and other representatives of show business.

I came to the anniversary of the seating TV presenter and Jan Rudkovskaya, but without waiting for the end of the event, went with a scandal. The reason was the words of one of the friends of singers that the domestic show-business is not sincere, but they are not going to flatter anyone.

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Yana was unreleased by such an unceremonious statement, as reported by Super.ru edition, she reproached the girl in his speech, after which she collected things and left the "buzz party."

"We are old broken soldiers. I lived to such age when I can only speak the truth. For the words you need to answer! When you say, think about what you say. Okay? The people who have gathered here, in their lives made a lot of things and in general nothing should, flatter - all the more, "said Rudkovskaya.

She also turned to one girl who said something like "We will not want you to desire children, like someone there," and stressed that it will wish Olga what she wants, advising the guest to answer only for themselves.

After that, Rudkovskaya appealed to Buzova and stated that the entire show-business would never be flattered to her and "this is the case when those people who can only say the truth are gathered here."

Olga was somewhat confused after the fiery speech Jana and said only the next phrase: "It's so cool that you are alive. I associate something with each guest. "

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