"National National Nethalonce" climbed ": the star" Univer "reproached men for aggression


Star series "University. New dormitory »Anna Khilkevich surprised social networks for a few days ago on how the famous director with Mosfilm was summed up. Despite the fact that the actress did not call the name of the offender, who offered her the role of "through bed", this story made a lot of noise.

The 34-year-old star again touched the unpleasant theme in one of the publications in a personal blog. Hilkevich admitted that not all her subscribers perceived this story normally. According to the actress, all her fans were divided into three groups: some became the actress to condemn, others regret, and the third and they decided at all that Anna came up with this story for the sake of Heip.

Hilkevich admitted that she was most struck by the comments of men who wrote unpleasant messages to the affected party. "Men are very aggressive and in the bayonas perceived my story. Someone began to reproach in unprofessionality, some climbed National National Incomingness and Racism, "the star of the series was noted in publication.

The actress noted that the female audience of her pages in Instagram was much more friendly. The subscribers sympathized more than Yuni Hilkevich more, and some even admitted that they also turned out in a similar situation. At the same time, the star once again clarified that this story with the harassment of truthful. "I never invent anything. I never do anything specifically, "the actress said.

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