Insider: Michael B. Jordan's novel and Lori Harvey is becoming more serious


Only two weeks ago, the 33-year-old actor Michael B. Jordan and the 24-year-old daughter Steve Harvey Laurie officially announced the novel at Instagram. But now insiders say that their relationship is already gaining serious momentum.

"The family of Michael B. Jordan loves Laurie, and vice versa. She is pretty, respectful and perfectly suitable for him, "the source of ET reported.

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The same person from the close environment of the couple stressed that everything around their novel is approved, and therefore he has already entered a serious stage.

"They are both interested in each other and very happy," the source added.

Jordan and Harvey for the first time provoked rumors about the novel in November, but only on January 10, the relationship was published. Soon after they published each other's photos, another insider said that the couple was found for more than four months. At the same time, they were friends long before.

And not so long ago, Father Lori, Steve Harvey, commented on the relationship of his daughter with the star "Black Panther". He said in a joke, he approves the guy, but continues to look close to him.

Recall that I was long to meet with Lori Michael for a long time - in an interview with the Status of the Bachelor, he explained what she was looking for the girl who would be with understanding and care about him, given his saturated working schedule.

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