David Arquette would like to apologize to his daughter for a divorce with Courtney Coke


Recently, David Arquette became the hero of the heading the Guardian "Question-Answer", where he was asked, before whom he would like to apologize and why.

Arquett replied: "Before my daughter Coco, because [our Courtney] divorce was very difficult."

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Coco - 16-year-old daughter David and Courtney Cox. They met in 1996 on the filming of the film "Creek", got married in three years, and in 2010 they broke up. The marquaceracted process of Arquette and Coke ended only three years ago.

Earlier in an interview with Yahoo! Entertainment David told a little about co-upbringing his daughter from Courtney. "We together bring up a 16-year-old daughter, we have wonderful relationships. We are friends, and we communicate a lot because of Coco, "said Arquette.

However, David's relationship with the child, he said, was not always cloudless. "Our daughter, truth, wonderful. But there were also difficult times, especially when she had a transitional age. There were a lot of emotions and feelings. But we tried to support each other and stay open. We never fought with Courtney for a daughter, nor during divorce. Our relations are based on mutual respect, "said Arquette.

Recently, Courtney said that he spent most of the quarantine last year with her daughter. The current beloved actress Johnny McDeid went to England before the start of the pandemic, and after the announcement of Quarantine could not return home for nine months. "It's so hard, we have never been so long in separation," the actress told him with sadness.

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