Pregnant Emily Stregnokovsky answered accusations of filler abuse


At the end of October last year, Emily Razzhkovski published on his page in Instagram an animated cover of Vogue magazine. To the surprise of fans, they did not see the usual embossed press of the actress, which has always given preference to frank outfits. A pregnant stagnant was concerned about the "live" picture of a digital cover, and fans appreciated this way to declare the world about their interesting position. Three months passed, and attentive subscribers began to notice that Emily's lips were increasing with the belly. "You need to tie with fillers," Follovier wrote in the comments.

Razzhkovkovsky tired of reading such advice, and the star decided to speak on the topic of injections. "I never made injections on your lips (no complaints about people who put Fillers, you look great!). But pregnancy is a contraindication to the "injections of beauty"! The volume of blood in women increases by 50%, so during pregnancy, women may have a swelling of the face and lips, "she explained the changes in his appearance. Emily also noted that it was rather strange to feel the metamorphosis of the body during the baby tool. However, the star admitted that appreciates the ability of his body to such global changes and considers pregnancy with beautiful time in the life of a woman.

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