The series Marvel "Falconary Eye" was originally conceived as a full-length film


Many characters of the film marvel have already received solo films, but since the era of show has begun on Disney +, the opportunities to learn favorite characters of comics became much more. The own project went to the falconry (Jeremy Renner), but, as was confirmed the other day, it was originally it was assumed that the story of Clint Barton would be a full-length ribbon.

According to the Hollywood Report edition, long before the show for Disney +, Marvel has already managed to develop a film, but Kevin Faigi and his team continued to study ways that would help focus on other Avengers characters, still not We received our own franchise. As a result, it was decided to transform the project in the series, because a larger timing will allow to continue to explore a falcony eye and find out how his history develops.

By the way, the producer of Trin Tran has already hurried to note that Marvel refers to TV shows on Disney + with a few attention than to the films.

"The quality of these shows and the sensations from them will be the same as in the case of MARVEL movies. Kevin Faigi always thought about when people were going to see these episodes, it seemed to them that this was just one long film. And the idea of ​​the fact that certain characters get their shows is that we will have much more time to watch their development, "said Showranner.

The release of the "falcony eye" is scheduled for the end of this year, but there is no specific date of the premiere of the premiere.

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