Ana de Armaas nine months studied to sound like Marilyn Monroe


In a new interview, People An An Ana de Armaas magazine said that in order to fulfill the role of Marilyn Monroe, she had to learn to speak with a swim to convey to the Maneru of the speech of a cult celebrity.

"I tried hard! I went nine months to prepare with the coach. It was a real torture, very exhaustive. I have a bottle brain, "de Armaas shared.

Ana also noted that, working on a biographical ribbon, she understood what women were in the film industry of the last century. "I learned a lot about the 30s, 40s, 50s, about what women were in the movies. And many things from there stretch to our time. For example, if you do not have a strong base, family, and so on, it will be difficult for you, it is very difficult, "de Armaas shared.

Last week it became known that Ana broke up with Ben Affleck after almost a year of a stormy novel. The source of People said this as follows: "Their relationships were complex. Ana does not want to stay in Los Angeles, while Ben has to be there, first of all because of the children. It was a mutual and friendly decision. They are now at different stages of life, but we experience respect for a friend and love. Ben still wants to work on himself. He has three working projects ahead, and he remains a reliable father. They are both happy and satisfied with how their lives are. "

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