"And looks at 35": The 25th anniversary of Anastasia Rytova was surprised in the network.


Ex-beloved Raper Timati Anastasia Rytova recently turned 25 years old. "The new year of my life is a new stage. I am waiting for the brightest emotions, the right people, loud victories and tests, "the model wrote in his Instagram, posted a photo in a beautiful fitted dress in peas and with a ribbon to the tone of the dress on the neck. The rest of the photos from the holiday of Racelyov promised to publish a little later, noting that he would first celebrate his birthday with a scope.

Fans did not estimate the snapshot of the resist and criticized the image of the star. However, not all fans carefully studied the biography of the idol and mistakenly considered that Nasta turned 23 years old, confusing the date of birth with the number of events. This confusion provoked Nastya herself, signing one of the photos to the carousel digit "23". "You and last year 23 were, and now?" - Surprised subscribers. This has become the object of numerous vintage comments of the Haters. "You can't tell you that 23 turned out," he wrote one of the fans. "And looks at 35," answered others, and someone even gave Nastya all forty years.

When Haters indicated their mistake, they did not think to give up. "And what has changed? She does not look at 25! "," She looks much older. Maybe she does not know how? " - continued to discuss the age and appearance of the solid users of the network. Recall Anastasia Rytov recently returned from rest in Dubai, where he spent time with her little son Ratmir. In the Emirates, the model flew together with the inapproaching actress Natalia Oredeva. A little later, the father of the child's Popular Rapper Timati joined Nastya.

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