"Package of oils per day": the star "defenders" told about food after delivery


Actress Theater and Cinema Alina Lanina In his Instagram account published a post, where he talks about his diet after childbirth. The picture illustrating the publication, the actress poses in one of the yoga poses, which is called the "Dog muzzle down", or AHO Mukha Schwanasan. In the text, Lanina is divided by the features of its postpartum power.

"After the hospital, she elaved (no, Alina, be honest)" fought "" creamy peasant "spoons. Yes, pack per day. Then the white warm crisp baguette smoothly joined the Masli. Then the cheese pulled up. But here I woke up, caught diluted and the cheese on the oil laid an exceptionally low-calorie, light, "Lanina writes.

At the end of the record, the actress admits that now its food is gradually being uploaded and it comes on the path of "thorny recovery" after pregnancy.

Fans with understanding reacted to the record. In the comments, many admitted that after childbirth and during pregnancy came across such as, and some shared the features of their diet.

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"I, when my daughter gave birth, ate cottage cheese and oatmeal first. At the age of three, she was baptized, they eat all tasty on the christening, and I crushed with cottage cheese, "fans write.

Other subscribers wished Lanina and her to the smaller heir of happiness and love.

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