"I was angry with God": Justin Bieber commented on the arrest of seven years ago


Justin Bieber shared with subscribers in Instagram reflections about his arrest, which happened seven years ago. The singer who said that his life had changed significantly since then, noted that at that time he was unhappy and angry at God.

"Seven years ago on this day they were arrested me. Not the most pleasant day. There is nothing to be proud. I suffered, was unhappy, hit from the way, do not understand. I was angry with God. And wore too much skin. All this in order to say that God spent me through a long road. Since then, I understood something ... God was as close to me then, like now. I urge you: Let your past remind you of how far God has started you. Do not let you drag yours today, let me forgive Jesus to win. And watch how your life flourishes and turns into such what God was planned. I love you with all your heart guys, "Justin shared with fans and accompanied the post of photograph of the day when he was arrested.

Then Biber was only 19 years old. He was arrested for quickly traveled by Miami on Yellow Lamborghini. In addition, the singer was drunk. Justin was also accused of resistance to arrest and driving with suspended rights. The singer escaped imprisonment, recognizing himself guilty of careless driving, making a charitable donation and agreed on anger control courses.

After Justin's post, many fans and colleagues supported the singer. Tom Brady, Jaden Smith and Patrick Schwarzenegger were noted in the comments. "We are proud of you," "We live and learn", "When did you become a motivational speaker?", "Keep you god", "What a pleasant positive promise!" We love you!" - Write in bieper comments users.

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