"TASE Four years!": Pelageya celebrated his daughter's birthday


Pelagia last year worked a lot, took part in the shooting of KVN and in other projects. And all his free time, the artist tried to devote the daughter of Taisiya. When the singer was divorced with her husband Ivan Tellage, she did not interfere with him to communicate with the baby, although, by and large, brings up her herself.

So, recently Pelagey went with Tassei to rest in the Maldives. It was on one of the paradise islands that she decided to celebrate the birthday of a child.

In his microblog, the star show business shared a video, which showed how their journey passes. Taisiya goes with a children's suitcase and with Panama on the head to the plane. Mom at that moment decided to ask the girl if the one would fly where they would fly. "In the Maldives," said Baby.

On the beach, Mom has arranged a photo session, where Taya posted in the top and shorts. The next day, they dressed in one style - in blue dresses and caps. The girl was already waiting for a holiday dedicated to her birthday. On the beach she was in the checkered overalls. There she was covered with the table and handed a festive cake.

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"TASE today is four years. Grow good, responsive, beautiful, how is your mom's mom! Happy birthday, girls! " - Such a signature left Pelagia.

Fans began to make compliments to the family and congratulate Taisia ​​Happy Birthday. "Happy birthday to a small princess", "Tasi's good health", "already big", "fields, you created a miracle!" - left comments network users.

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