"The term" nimble "will not understand": Tina Kandelaki subscribers chose a word describing 2020


Tina Kandelaki is already summing up the year. The TV host thought about what brought us this period from a philological point of view. "Linguists of the whole world choose the word, the best characterizing the events of recent times. And this year the Oxford dictionary was confused and in one word or phrase could not fit the impressions. The Collins Dictionary, by the way, chose the winner the word "locked" - agree, the solution is logical, "said Tina's opinion.

She also thought about a new vocabulary, which appeared in our country. Still there were a lot of events. "I think that you need to vote for the phrase" full morgenshtern ". There you are music, and chaos, and total unpredictability. And still apparent indifference as a protective reaction to endless sad news, "Kandelaki analyzes.

She offered everyone to reflect on this topic. Folloviers put forward such options as "pandemic", "integration", "chaos", "change" and even "maybe". Someone remembered not only about the coronavirus, but also on political events in our country, playing with the term "zeroing". However, most candelack fans rated the phrase proposed by it. "In any incomprehensible situation, a full morgenshtern", "a great version with a morgenshtern", "This is very juicy, deeply describing everything that is happening. As they say there, plus, "write stars fans.

They also remembered that in the tongue appeared the neologism to "imply". However, according to many, this verb will not fall into the dictionaries. "The term" nimble "will not understand," the network users say so.

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