"And Sobchak condemn": Tina Kandelaki fans were indignant because of the indecent gesture


Tina Kandelaki placed in Instagram a short video from a photo shoot on which she shows an indecent gesture to the camera. Kandelaki in a spectacular bright red trouser suit during the shooting suddenly exposes a middle finger, after which it is causingly laughing. "It is possible to defend your borders in different ways," the roller sign was signed with the hint.

Subscribers did not appreciate this gesture of the finest. "Tina, you are a woman! Do you really think it's beautiful? "," Why would you send anyone? "," Tina, this is a non-smoke gesture! Respect the borders of other people! "," Did not think. What your vocabulary will run out and you will begin to lead as a teenager! "," Such a gesture is ugly! ".

The fans reproached Kandelaki and recalled her long-standing conflict with Sobchak: "When the photographer uttered together Cheese! "Sobchaak"! "," Adult woman with education and regalia. As it is unpleasant to watch you, and still Sobchak condemn, straightforwards! ".

Recall that the conflict between the two fairies began in 2013, although before that moment they were girlfriends. Initially, the stumbling block for Kandelaki and Sobchak was the financial issue - Ksenia reproached a girlfriend in corruption and richness, a dishonest way. The word for the word, the conflict flared up and the leading finally climbed. Since then, they regularly strip each other in social networks, releasing caustic comments on the appearance, personal life and professional skills of each other.

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