"At no more than 30 years old": Tina Kandelaki laid out stylish photos in honor of the 45th anniversary


45-year-old TV presenter Tina Kandelaki shared stylish photos, which published in Instagram account in honor of his anniversary. She arranged a photo session in the square, sitting on the bench, she made up two German shepherds. Teediva chose a light brown coat and a striped shirt for the autumn promenade, which put on top. Outfit Candelaca complemented dark leather pants and high boots on the heel. The star did not collect the hair, limiting the unemployed laying.

In the signature to the frame series, she gave instructions to themselves - "16-year-old Tinatin", warning about the difficulties that will have to face personal life and at work.

"So it turned 16 years old. You are now capturing the spirit from working on television and radio, you greedily study from our mentors and hope to become the most famous television and radio hosting of Georgia, "Kandelaki wrote.

Considering the footage, fans did not forget about congratulations. Fans noted that Teediva and now looks very fresh, noticeably younger than its years.

"At the view no more than 30," said Follovier compliments. "Finally 18 knocks out," the others were ironiced. "You are very pleased to inspire you, keep up the good work," the adorables wrote.

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