"There is no more loser": Tina Kandelaki responded to "biliary comments" about appearance


Tina Kandelaki is not from those stars who can hide non-priced reviews and stinging remarks on the net. To them, the celebrity is already used to them and often ignores the attacks in their address. However, this time she decided to write a generalized post on his page in Instagram, in which he turned to the authors of "biliary comments".

"You know what I would like to tell my devotees" fans "? Do not slow down. Write more often in TG-Channels, twitters and instagrams, what I do wrong. Be brighter, elegant and inventive. I will not cease to smile your resourcefulness. Feel free to release steam. Do not hold in yourself, "asks Kandelaki.

She decided to take revenge on Heites and with thin sarcasm noted that, perhaps, in fact, the meaning of her enemies was the meaning of her enemies to criticize it in social networks.

Tina admitted that if social networks were existed when she was young, then her collection of criticism would be just huge. "For many years I have written about the figure, face, diet, sports, work, acquaintances and friends, clothes, finally. Collect all together - so greater losers than I, simply do not exist, "the celebrity laughs.

TV presenter fans praise her for exposure and ability to keep a blow. They believe that a partly reason lies in the sign of the Zodiac Tina - she is scorpion. And, of course, help the star to cope with the offenders, according to fans, her mind and beauty.

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