Videos of the day: Tom Holland was replaced by Toby Maguyra in "Spider Man: away from home"


Sam Raymy's trilogy about a spider man with Toby Maguire in the lead role - despite the deafening success of Tom Holland in the filmmoven Marvel - still consider the "exemplary" spider man. Apparently, one of such devoted fans of the original trilogy, Yutubeber with Nick Aldo Jones, decided to "correct" the superhero blockbuster "Spiderman": away from the house "- and replaced the face of Tom Holland to face Toby Maguir with Deepfake.

Videos of the day: Tom Holland was replaced by Toby Maguyra in

Videos of the day: Tom Holland was replaced by Toby Maguyra in

Videos of the day: Tom Holland was replaced by Toby Maguyra in

The video had to be done on time - given the fact that the fate of the person-spider is performed by Tom Holland in the filmmoven Marvel hung on the balance due to the sony and Disney disagreement. Fans of the comic hero The result of the work of Deepfake was rated - in just a few days the video scored over a million views and 5 thousand comments, and some noted at all that "their dream came true," because they say, they love and "away from home", and Toby Maguyra in the image of a man-spider.

For reference: Deepfake - human image synthesis technique based on artificial intelligence. It is used to connect and overlapping existing images and video to the original images or video. Neurally carefully "studies" every movement, facial expression, the expression of the "original" and "copies", and then "transfers" the face of "copies" to the "original".

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