Justin Bieber helps the needy


The creators of the TV show "Extreme Makeover: Home Edition" are looking for people who have been injured from natural disasters around the country or need major repairs, and in order for the program to bring higher ratings, they invite stars. Previously, we have already written about how Mariah Carey helped the Gaston family, and Justin Bieber also connected to the team.

At his wards, in addition to the collapsed in the eyes of the house there is a very sad story: a year ago, they lost their 17-year-old daughter Alexander in an accident. As it turned out, the girl, being driving, wrote a message on the phone. Parents after her death have created a memory fund Alex Brown, in which they call on all the countries of the country to be more attentive on the road and not writing text messages. All the last year they were dedicated to this case, and now they need help to restore their home.

Justin invited three family members Brown - Ginny, Johnny and Katrina at the rehearsal of her concert. The singer also stated that one dollar from each ticket from his speech would go to their foundation.

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