"I forgave treason!": Vladimir Kuzmin admired a young wife in a wedding dress


People's Artist of Russia Vladimir Kuzmin recalled the fans about a significant date for their family. In honor of the wedding anniversary, he showed an archive photo with a young wife.

The 65-year-old musician published a shot taken on the wedding day 19 years ago. The photographer caught the moment when Vladimir danced with the newly made spouse Catherine. Newlyweds in the photo with tenderness look at each other.

On Catherine, a long snow-white dress on thin straps, her golden hair decided to leave the leaving. Newlyweds did not abuse cosmetics, light makeup on her face, and pink lipstick emphasizes the fresh color of the face.

Vladimir during the registration was in a white shirt and a black classic suit. Later, the artist changed the shirt on a white T-shirt - and it is in it captured in a picture.

"On this day. September 29, 2001, "Kuzmin wrote under the photo, leaving all the affectionate words for personal congratulations to the spouse.

The fans congratulated the idol from the anniversary of the marriage. Devoted fans praised his choice of life companions, which made all the trials of marriage with a creative man.

"I remember this day, like today's. Vladimir Borisovich in his hands carried Katya, "" Beautiful muse and musician "," With a pomegranaya wedding you! "," I forgive treason, Holy Woman, "" The most beautiful and harmonious couple! " - Followers admired.

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